Monday, January 13, 2014

Introduction to wish making in the western world

I always make a wish, as I see the first opportunity for it I go and picture in the corners of my mind, what would be the most desirable act, thing or feeling I would like to perform, posses or have. It is not just material stuff of course, I may be perceived by others like a materialistic kinda guy, but that is not quite right. it is not that I´m too deep to be perceived right, I stand more in the middle, to be fair, I try to be the best possible person my own person can create every day, I commit mistakes and forget stuff, I even lost my wallet a few weeks ago, great mourning and a complete day of watery eyes took me to recover from such despair… and just yesterday, my eyes were distracted from my belongings and a fellow member of the gym I just got into became a burglar (maybe for opportunity, maybe because of habit) and stole my scarf, a precious one my adoptive parents (emotionally I mean, I have my own ones that work just perfect as such) gave me as xmas present a few years ago in Barcelona. Anyway, I was writing about being distracted some times, and yes, but I try to keep up with the demands of the world and of myself, I make wishes because those are the perfect chance to cover voids that I haven´t been able to cover so far, and also because I truly (TRULY) believe they will come true one way or another.

I make wishes when I blow my bday candle (I recently blew this year´s one, and I made a very big wish), when I see a four leaves clover (very rare to find but they actually exist), a shooting star in the middle of the night and whenever I have the chance to do it, I do it especially when I see consecutive numbers, in car plates, the treadmill while jogging, house numbers, locker numbers (in the gym that is) and my iPhone when checking for the time, among plenty more opportunities. Consecutive numbers are just that, anyone could say, just the logical succession of amounts, but not for me, I really don´t know since when, I have seen the number 11:11 when checking at the time, by day and night (silly me to dare using the 24 hours scheme in the clock, I would miss one chance of making a wish, that is, 23:11 does´t count for me). After a long while I realized that this number was being very persistent during my days and weeks, not just in the time of the day by then, but with everything else that could be numbered.

I remember one day not so long ago when I was a teenager, someone told me to make a wish at 11:11, I didn´t ask and went for it, what did I have to loose? nothing at all, on the other hand, I would win the lottery. After making wishes and after realizing that the number 11 was kinda following me, I started to inquire into it more and more, and I found out some curious details: 11 is a master number, "the number 11 symbolizes the potential to push the limitations of the human experience into the stratosphere of the highest spiritual perception; the link between the mortal and the immortal; between man and spirit; between darkness and light; ignorance and enlightenment. That is the ultimate symbolic power of the 11". Kinda dense and ultra spiritual, but at the end, that´s what I found, this is just me quoting, nothing else, and after countless webpages and a couple of books in the matter, I can define 11:11 or 11/11 or 1111, like a hint of the universe letting us know that is paying attention, in that time of the day, well,  is the time when you can speak and be heard, and this does´t mean that the rest of the 1439 minutes of the day we are being ignored, it is just that they are more attentive of our words, actions and thoughts, also, why not, wishes.

So, the meaning of that 1111 in my blog tittle is just that I believe that anything can come true, doesn´t matter how weird and impossible whatever it is that I wish seems at the time. Each and everyone of us can give any connotation to anything, and I really wish right now, starting this blog and finishing today´s post, that all that we all wish that is good for us and does´t affect anyone else, comes true and makes us as happy as we deserve to be. 

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