Monday, August 25, 2014

UFOs and quoting interesting guys from other times

"He doesn't talk for long stretches, and then he's incredibly eloquent.”, that´s Ted describing Don on Mad Men, one of my favorite shows of all times, which as we all know, its about to come to a successful and graceful end, beginning the 1970s decade.

Just like everything else in the world, this show ends after, what, six seasons? I´ve learned so much about style, unprotected sex and not picking up your garbage after a picnic (although I always pick up my rubbish after my "idilic" picnics) in Mad Men. In that same sense I have also learned how to channel my energy and ideas towards a very precise goal by one of my BFFs now. Yes, remember this writer friend that was sorta new weeks ago? well, now is my unconditional and I´m her´s, she knows that, now we can communicate through subtle winks and looks and shouts, very primal, but only in impression, it´s really really sophisticated, like in the future when we all will be able to use telepathy on the regular basis and skip the bluetooth or 5G or 6G technology, just thinking about someone will be enough to encage in a sorta "call", no long distance fees necessary... Although I don't quite resolve how it will be when the person you want to reach via telepathy is "telepathy-ing" with somebody else. Oh well, I´ll just let technology surprise me. 

You know how I´ve always reside in the side of reason, right? well, if you don´t know, I do; I´m pretty reasonable. I mean, UFOs, Aliens and stuff it´s a given truth, at least it is to me and to Giorgio Tsoukalos, super sharp ancient astronaut theorist and host of Ancient Aliens, currently playing on History 2, it´s like a free, living and walking open encyclopedia, pretty reasonable to me.

Anyways, I´m always very centered and logical, but now that I know that my BFF is leaving I can´t help but wish for the lottery to hit us (now we share expenses on Lotto tickets and of course we will share the prize... yeah baby!!) so we have the "resources" to keep commuting between wherever we all are... and also keep mailing Timbits and Pills that make your boobs grow to will, no biggie. I know she will do great, but it´s like wishing the summer break doesn´t end, but that would be like avoiding xmas to arrive, and you also know how much I love xmas, and Thanksgiving, I think this last one even more, right? in case you don´t know, I do; there´s something about turkey breast with cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes with marshmallows in the last few days of november that´s so appealing to me. And don't let me start on Pumpkin pie and all the spices that blend in its recipe, just don't let me start.

You also have to know how very improbable friendships happen, like Lena Dunham being super "bestie" with Claire Danes, or Gwyneth Paltrow with Madonna (although macrobiotic diets and stuff can get people together, I´m sure inside the misery of that food friendship is like a bag of Doritos. No harm intended to macrobiotic dieters, I´m just saying), like, who would have said they were like "comadres". Well, this isn't the case at all. As whimsical as fait is, we were meant to become "besties", no random act of destiny here, we were probable since the very beginning of this awesome road-trip our lives; we were just meant to meet, we´re like twins separated the day they were born, it´s so much fun, we even fantasize of being roommates in a parallel universe (I mean, we´re 22, but we are adult enough to have our own places and stuff). At the end all gets reduced to enjoying whatever happens today, hope for the best tomorrow and be sure we will win the lottery on tuesday. 

There´s a point in life, just like in Don Draper´s, when you have to move on and accept what you have and embrace it. We will always be family now and like close relatives we will Skype, meet up in great capitals of the world and speak on the phone and, eventually, communicate via telepathy, but always hoping our dreams come true and sooner than later be business partners, share projects, dinners and business class flights to the Maldives or something like that, no biggie.

I like to quote smart people, in this case characters, I like them a lot, I have written about them and I have also created a couple. 

Like Don Draper would say. "I keep going to places and ending up somewhere I´ve already been", super sharp, right? I´m not sure what he´s trying to say, but it fits my idea, we will always be there for each other no matter where, we can take planes to anywhere and we will always end up just having fun, watching some random goats yelling like humans or taking a senseless idea to the limit and end up cracking up in loud laughs. And at the end, just like this Rick guy said in Casablanca. "We´ll always have Paris".

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